MARKET REPORT – Friday, December 07th, 2018

MARKET REPORT – Friday, December 07th, 2018

The equities market closed today Friday, December 07, 2018 Positive.

The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE ASI) All Share Index appreciated 0.15% (Down from 30,866.82 to 31,151.68 basis points).

178,994,344 volumes of shares were exchanged in 2,631 deals valued at N1, 556,184,073.36

Total market capitalization at close of trading today Friday, December 07, 2018 stands at  N11,268,792,811,596.65 with year to date returns at 19.29%.

NESTLE led other Thirty (30) gainers by percentage gain of +4.66% (N69) to close at N1549 from N1480 traded on Thursday, December 06 2018.

DANGCEM on the other hand led Twenty-eight (28) other losers by percentage loss of -0.54% to close at N184 from N185 it traded on Thursday, December 06, 2018 shading N1.

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